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Weatherization Assistance Program

The Weatherization Assistance Program (WAP) provides assistance to income eligible households...

Urgent Repair Program

The Urgent Repair Program (URP) is a program funded by North Carolina Legislator to repair houses ...

Rehabilitation Single family

The purpose of the Single Family Rehabilitation (SFR) Program is to encourage comprehensive rehab of single family homes ...

Head Start

Head Start is a preschool for children from low income families...

weatherization urgent repair rehab head start
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Serving Cherokee, Clay, Graham, and Swain Counties, NC.
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Four Square Community Action Board Overview

The Board of Directors membership shall be composed of representatives of the low-income, public, and private sectors of the community. The Board consists of up to 18 members with a goal of four members from each of the counties served. No more than one-third of the seats on the Board of Directors shall be occupied by public officials. At least one-third of the members shall be elected, representatives of the low-income. The remainder of the seats must be occupied by representatives of the private sector, i.e., business, industry, etc. The Executive Director verifies the composition of the Board of Directors.


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